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5 Tips for a Healthy Lawn in the Cold

5 Tips for a Healthy Lawn in the Cold

During winter, many lawns tend to appear thin and weak. If yours is suffering due to the cold weather, you should consider several possible causes before choosing the ideal course of action to keep the lawn healthy.

For example, low temperatures may affect the general health of the lawn.

Many property owners often neglect their lawns during winter. This is because the cold air during the season rolls in, and people are tempted to remain indoors. However, the lawn still needs care like any other time of the year. Here are the five tips for winter lawn care:

Keeping Your Lawn Healthy In The Cold


The cold weather can take a toll on the lawn. If you notice brown patches on the turf, you could consider overseeding. The practice can help add winter color to frost-free areas of Southwest Florida by adding cool-weather grass that dies out in late spring when the warm-season lawn comes out of dormancy.

According to lawn care experts, you should prepare the lawn by raking out debris and mowing at a lower height; however, keep St. Augustine grass above 3 inches. Next, seed with a broadcast spreader and water the lawn until seeds germinate.

Some of the things you’ll need for the exercise include the right seeds, temperature, and an effective watering solution. There are several benefits of overseeding. For example, it’s an effective way of reducing erosion.

With an overseeded lawn, the soil and water will stay where they’re supposed to be. It also helps to improve the appearance.


You can promote the growth of your lawn by providing nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Other essential micronutrients include zinc and iron, which can be found in fertilizers. If you decide to fertilize too early, you’ll promote weeds’ growth and reduce root growth.

If you have cool-season lawns, fertilize them in fall when the grass is still growing and the temperatures are cooling off. By applying fertilizer in fall will help the grass to retain its green color during the winter.

Also, the exercise promotes root growth. Avoid fertilizing when the soil is frozen, although that shouldn’t be a concern in our warm Southwest Florida climate. Fertilizing should be done following the directions outlined in the label. Note that more fertilizer doesn’t necessarily mean better results for your turf.


The soil and nutrients are sealed tight the majority of the year. Allowing more air into the soil is crucial for the health of your lawn in the cold. By aerating, you’ll improve the lawn health as it opens up before the grass goes dormant.

Also, it helps to prevent compaction that may build up during warmer months. Most people hire experts to do the work for them or use machines to it on their own. Aerating involves perforating the lawn to allow more air and nutrients to penetrate the roots.

The equipment contains hollow, metal tines.


As the weather becomes cooler, you should continue mowing your lawn weekly until growth slows down. During winter, in Cape Coral and the surrounding areas, you will need to continue mowing – however, less frequently. If leaves fall from the trees during the season, mow over them, as they’ll decompose fast and improve soil fertility.

Many people usually cut the grass shorter than usual when preparing for winter. If you have kept the lawn at about 2.5 inches, consider reducing that to two inches. Note that cutting the lawn too short can encourage weeds and diseases.


One of the most effective ways of controlling weeds is taking care of the turf. Healthy grass helps to shade the soil, preventing the germination of new weeds. If it doesn’t rain, ensure you water your lawn regularly.

Fall is a perfect time for controlling many types of weeds, including dandelions. You can dig the weeds up or apply herbicides to problem areas. If you opt for the latter, ensure you follow the temperature guidelines on the packaging labels.

Hands-Free Maintenance

Keeping up with your Florida landscaping can become tedious after a while. Those who don’t have the time or energy to implement everything that goes into maintaining a healthy lawn will find that professional landscaping services can be a real boon. Not only will such services keep your lawn mowed to the proper height, according to your type of grass and the season, they can also manage fertilization, irrigation, weed control, and much more. Consider a comprehensive maintenance package – you’ll worry less about your lawn and enjoy it more!

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